found the link over on the PY forum, ive a couple 66 GTOs but no Canadian Pontiacs (not yet anyways), do see a fair few of em over here in the UK, ill sort out some pics when i get a chance.
Hello from Southampton! I am grateful for the opportunity to join. I used to collect data on rhd export Pontiacs particularly, and have a few photos somewhere of British cars. However, I wish I knew whether an ultra-rare lhd '69 Parisienne convertible, imported new, still exists. I came across it by chance one day. The Avatar is a '69 Parisienne 4-door HT that details were sent to me of, assembled in St Therese, PQ Plant.
There was a proposal to assemble 1939 US Pontiacs in the Southampton Plant, whose building was recently demolished, but I believe none were in fact built and only a small number of Chevrolets were.
cheers guys, i'll spread the word for you. Ive added a link to my site (not that ive had much time to do anything to it lately)
david, i lost the majority of my Pontiac files when my last computer died, nearly 10 years worth of Pontiac activity in the UK gone, but ill see if i can find anything in my written notes on a 69 LHD conv parisenne for you. I'll check your site out soon