Hope this isn't a repost but I lifted the below off of Stevesnovasite and thought it would be worth while posting it here. . hi guys. my friend has finally recieved the few sets of reproduction 66 & 67 acadian t/lamp lenses he comissioned.he isn't a member here,but he is a trustworthy vendor.i asked him if i could pass the word around and he said to go for it. he has okayed me to give out his contact info,BUT DO NOT PHONE AFTER 9:30PM PACIFIC TIME PLEASE!!
his name is Menno and he can be reached at (604)-856-5526. he is asking $150.00 for a set of 4 lenses.when i enquired about the colour and quality he said he felt they were "98% perfect" compared to original. I would suggest you mention "CARL SENT YOU",but i'm not making a dime on this stuff,i'm just offering them to the guys that want them.
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