Im happy i found this site for two reasons one for my own info but also for my best friends sake .He has been looking for info and pictures of his pontiac ,i dont have a picture to post, but if you have seen this car you probably wouldnt forget it .Its a 1956 pontiac safari totally customized with a wild snakeskin paint job it has an olds 455 auto and resides in bc ive heard it came from alberta people around here called it the ogo pogo its a complete redo but all there if anyone has a pic or info it would be greatly app,from the pics that i have seen this car is is bad ass!
Welcome aboard from Tacoma, WA. This is a great site. You will be asked for pictures of your car so go get the camera for some shots to display. Is your Safrai Canadian or U.S. made. My car is Canadian.