Anyone ever repaired the grid on the rear window defroster?
My Suburban had 3 consecutive gid lines out and the Deville had #1 and #7 out. I took some time figuring out how to repair these on Saturday. Basically I eyeballed the grids I knew were broken and when I found the spots I suspected I used a voltmeter to verify.
I bought 3 kits at Canadian tire, not knowing how much material I would need. The kits have a little masking decal to help guide you but since I had 5 lines to repair masking tape was the order of the day. Just mask top and bottom of line needing repair, mix the repair material and brush on. I applied a heat gun to each area and laid on 4 coats , heating each time.
Didn't get foggy rear window until tonight but both vehicles are repaired and every grid line now heats. It took me about 30 minutes to do both cars. Kit was $9.
-- Edited by 73SC at 00:50, 2008-11-04
Ray White, Toronto ON
Formerly - The one and only 1973 LeMans 454 "Astro-Jet"