Hello, thought Id post this for anyone intrested in going to see Tim Allen in Niagara Falls in July. Tim doesnt usually do stand up now since TV and movies. I been a big fan for over 20 years and finally going to get a chance to see him live. If anyone has been to my shop....Lots of More Power/Binford 6100 stuff ! Tickets are reasonable. Thanks to a board member here, I was able to get 6th row from stage. Good seats should still be avail. I came close to meeting him once. At Cobo Hall in Detroit, he had his Moal Licorice Special HotRod there(photo below in his garage in LA)....rushed to the car as the doors opened and guy beside his car said he left 45 seconds ago! GRRRR ( ARGHHHH-grunt).I saw the Binford 6100 Van in Detroit too. (was cool had a hotdog warmer that slid out of the side of the van) He is also a personal friend of Yosemite Sam here in London. Tim actually has roots here in London and spent sometime as a kid in Grand Bend. So it will be cool to see him. If I am lucky, I might get a picture and or autograph. But thats wishfull thinking. LOL Here is the link....hope to see some of you there.