Pontiac Grande Parisienne(j'ai du entre Grand Prix car pas mon model dans la liste) 1968 199 a ete fait avec le L35 original match number ( Canadian Poncho bbc 396,th400,12bolt) video du song si vous vouler je peut envoyer. j'ai tout les papier de confirmation par George-J. Zapora a ochawa chez GM evaluation a 5000$ faite offre pieces spare disponible en surplus : -kit de disque braque complet neuf pour 4 roues -bumper avant et arriere -headers -gear 3;73 ritchmond
From Bing translator (sorry)
Pontiac Grande parisien (I have between Grand Prix because not my model in the list) 1968 199 was made with the original match number L35 (Canadian Poncho BBC 396, th400, 12bolt) video of the song If you want I can send. I have all the confirmation paper by George-J. Zapora a Ochawa at GM evaluation a $5000 made Offrepieces spare available in addition:-New wheel kit for 4 wheels-front bumper and rear-headers-gear 3; 73 Ritchmond
Interesting the vacuum canister in mounted @ the front of the fender liner and on my American GPrix it is mounted back @ the rear of the fender well liner.