I bought a pair of 858 heads and a pair of 840 heads in Alabama. The seller took one head to UPS ( 70 LBS ) and got a price of $647 for all 4 shipped to my mail box in Niagara Falls NY. I got him to strap the 4 heads to a skid ( 320 LBS ) 26x40x12. Called Fastenal branch to branch delivery $185
I needed brackets for disk brake conversion. Had to order from CPP in California, they would not ship to my mailbox in Niagara Falls as I was a first time customer. Product has to ship to the address on the credit card.
Seven pound package, shipped by FEdex. $68 USD. One time, I need it, okay. Product delivered and left with a COD charge for shipping and brokerage, GST from Niagara Falls $70.
So basically $68 ($90CDN) + $70 = $160 for a 7 pound box about the size of a piece of paper and 4" thick.... Really WTF
You order from Jegs or Summit to Canada, minimum shipping, (Free over $199) and brokerage is $5-10. No hidden charges, no holding you up for more $$. BUT, if the product is wrong it's a nightmare to return it.....