I have sight in one eye only left eye works good but depth perception is challenging.
I am usually a foot away from the wall or bumping into it.
I even resorted to turning the headlights on high beam with 4 lights on the wall. Still far from the wall.
Desparate solution. Build a 2 x 10 x 8ft bumper 22 inches away from the wall
No more hit or miss! Snuggle up to the bumper.
The Impala Garage sign is a gift from my Grandson many years ago and it sat precariously on the edge of the kitchen table against the wall. Now it has a new home and Daniel mounted it there.
I won a motion sensor lazer pointer that is for parking, drive in until you see the laser on the dash. Won it at a car show.
Wife hasn't hit anything since, LMAO. Yes it is fully adjustable, mount it to the ceiling and adjust as required,
has montion sensor so not on all the time.