I just finished installing my power steering conversion and one small problem
came up. The fitting that comes out of the pump for the hose that goes to the steering box was a "male" fitting and the end of the hose was also "male"
When i contacted the suppier he said that he thought my pump might not be from a 6 cyl, but im sure it was.
Does anyone have a picture of their pump fittings?
thanks, here is what i had to do..
i could not find an adaptor so i took the closest one and counter sunk one side to fit on the pump.
Surrey BC
1963 Acadian Beaumont Sport Deluxe http://www.63acadian.com/
I read your post earlier Lefty and forgot about it until now. Sorry.
The fitting in your pump can be changed to the one that you need without getting a complete pump. I have never parted a 6 cylinder car so the fitting in the pictures cames from a V8. I think it was from a BB full size car with AC if I remember correctly.